young people have taken part in health education and life-skills activities
Kick4Life scored 80% and above (including high performance and sustainability) in all key areas of the assessment: External Relations, Programming, Human Resources and Capacity Development, and operations, and in some cases Kick4Life out-performed the assessment tool.
children have been tested for HIV with more than 1000 testing positive referred to ongoing medical treatment, counselling and support at their local clinic.
“Based on an organization capacity assessment that thoroughly reviewed all aspects of K4L we can conclude that Kick4Life are highly capable of delivering services to vulnerable youth and their initiative is also highly recommended for further support.”
young people have been supported into long-term education, training or employment.
There are lots of ways that you can support our mission from signing up for one of our Tours to Lesotho, to joining the Kick4Life F.C. Fan Club or by fundraising for our life-changing work. If you’d like to get involved we’d love to hear from you!
See what some of our participants have to say…