A unique ‘Biodiversity Stand’ is now under construction at Kick4Life’s Stadium of Life in Maseru, Lesotho.
The stand, which will be dedicated to showcasing and preserving indigenous flora from across Lesotho’s three ecoregions, will be developed using sustainably sourced and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) accredited timber. It will also feature a small amphitheatre – the Theatre of Life – for the delivery of our education programmes and cultural performances.
The Biodiversity Stand has been designed by Park Associati and will be constructed by Rise International, who are also constructing the wider Stadium of Life. The development is also being guided and supported by a team of Youth Climate Leaders from the local community.
Steve Fleming, Co-founder of Kick4Life, said: “The Biodiversity Stand will be a unique place where people who come to the stadium – players, fans, K4L staff and guests in our social enterprises – can appreciate and enjoy nature, with opportunities to promote the importance of biodiversity.”
Motlatsi Nkhahle, Kick4Life’s Country Director, added: “This is an incredibly exciting development, with the Theatre of Life providing a setting for a wide range of activities, all set within the context of a Biodiversity Stand that will showcase the floral beauty of Lesotho.”
Fleming added: “We are interested in the relationship between sport and nature and how the sports industry can play a role in promoting harmony between people and the planet. We hope that the Biodiversity Stand will contribute to that.”
The stand structure is set to be completed in January 2025, with integration and nurturing of plants to follow in subsequent months and years.
Kick4Life is seeking a sponsorship partner for the Biodiversity Stand to help maximise the impact of this innovative initiative. For more information please email steve@kick4life.org